Childhood Development Yoga for Early Learning Childcare Centres, Kinder, Pre- & Schools.
The earlier children learn about their mind-body connection, the more empowered or confident our kids become. Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation, & relaxation strategies help kids understand themselves while their minds expand so quickly, and their bodies are growing fast.
Kids love the fun and benefits yoga offers through postures, learning about their magic breath (which can help regulate emotions), mindfulness, song, games, stories and relaxation.
Toddlers in our 15-minute classes, even as young as 12-18, months learn simple movements, play with fingers and toes, songs, games and body parts (IE: heads, shoulders, knees and toes).
Two-year olds remember our rhyming posture sets, and children all enjoy the inclusivity of the group as they all move together.

3- to 5-year olds thrive in our 30-minute classes, exploring their creativity as they join in, creating a story and inventing postures. The exercise and stretching help their understanding of mind-body coordination. The breathwork helps them regulate emotions. They often share their practice at home.
The 6-12-year-olds enjoy 45-minute classes in School or after school. Here their mind-body understanding, and creativity thrive as they explore balance, coordination, storytelling, interactive play, adventure, games, meditation, focus, mindfulness, breathwork and calming relaxation.
12-18 Year Olds
Teen Yoga
Tweenager and Teenagers
With hormones racing and their bodies changing faster than they can keep up with, teen yoga is an essential tool that helps teens through this most difficult stage of development.
Reducing anxiety and stress, helping clarity and focus, providing support to overcome depression, helping to combat anorexia, bulimia, sleep disorders, Yoga , meditation and mindfulness is supporting youth wellbeing and improving wellness.
Digital lives of Aussie Teens
The internet is an integral part of the learning environment, an essential tool needed to meet the requirements of the curriculum framework. The vision for wellbeing and an analysis of online cultural practices demonstrates the digital lives of Aussie teens will continue well into the future.
While their high use of technology offers many benefits, there are clearly strongly documented identifiable downsides, including: –
The addictive quality particularly to Screen Scrolling and Gaming, in reducing the ability to focus and has been recognised by W.H.O. and the American Psychiatric Association.
Internet addiction disorder is leading to obsessive compulsive behaviours, doom scrolling, anxiety scrolling, mindless scrolling, zombie scrolling syndrome and can lead to anxiety, sleep disorders, depression and worse.
We clearly understand phone addiction changes the brain. Cortisol the stress chemical surges as scrolling behaviour increases.
Its no coincidence that Australians were one of the first nations with fastest uptake of mobile phone usage for teens and one of the highest teen suicides.
Harvard review studies the psychology of scrolling and negative online experiences. The effect on our mental well-being is snowballing and it’s not positive in any way. Reports are now emanating as time and impact knowledge from worldwide studies constantly demonstrate the problems arising. Many studies identify the problems, but few identify effective solutions.
Balanced kids Yoga therapy, Mindfulness training. Children’s yoga teaching experiences, and Clinical hypnotherapy and Meditation training, experience and expertise + teaching over the past 20+ years , ( see )All align to introduce formal education packages to help teenagers overcome this addition.
These packages are designed to ameliorate, at the very least, a number of the downsides of phone scrolling in particular through well-being practices, yoga therapy & guided meditation designed for single classroom (up to 30 student) forums.
This plan has the potential to be rolled out nationally with emphasis to:
- Reframe the brain against the epidemic consuming our teens of scrolling addictive behaviour and constant gaming.
- Addressing the Influence screentime has had on the development of our young children’s brains. We recognise that babies as young as 6 months, e.g., as soon as they are sitting, they are often given screens on a regular basis.
- Diverting our teens behavioural and emotional wellbeing to a form of better wellness for their future including better focus, sleep and study time.
More detailed plans are intended to be designed to address the many other related issues in conjunction with the Education Department’s key strategies on fighting and addressing these obvious threats to our young generation.
- How much time and money is being invested in students well-being practices?
- How is our current Education System addressing SOCIAL MEDIA SCROLLING and associated internet addiction in our schools?
- What practices and procedures are being used?
- Has consideration been given to meditation, mindfulness, and yoga practices?
- How do you educate your students about the effects of scrolling and manage or overcome the addiction?
- Is your school aware of “Neuroimaging” studies, which show brain connectivity changes in meditation addressing behavioural change, improvements in focus an attention, as well as + working memory?

Suicides on the increase, mental health and well-being problems are continuing to rise. Suicide is the leading cause of death for 15-24 year old’s even younger the statistics are alarmingly increasing.
Today’s society is removing itself from the natural world, the natural elements, and the cycle of life, as it embraces the technological era, which is NOW dominating our lives
RESULT =the decline of our mental health
Jane Johnston
Wellness Specialist,
Yoga/Pilates Teacher,
Nutritional Nurture,
Mindset, Meditation, Mindfulness Teacher
No child is left behind, and all children, educators and families benefit from the results.